Panama Panama Company Formation
Setup a Company in Panama for 1250 USD

  • Preparation and filing of the Articles of Incorporation
  • All Government fees
  • Panama Registered Agent
  • Panama Registered Office
  • Articles of Incorporation in English and Spanish
  • Certificate of Good Standing in English and Spanish
  • Appointment of the Directors
  • Appointment of the Corporate Officers
  • Resolution of the Directors Issuing Shares
  • Two Transfers of Subscription Rights Letters (one per subscriber)
  • Minute Book of the Company
  • Share Certificates issued
  • Register of Directors and Officers
  • Share Register
  • Unlimited FREE business consultations (phone and email)

Panama Company Incorporation – Company Formation Panama

Panama, or better the Republic of Panama, is the most southern country of Central America. Panama is a transcontinental nation which connects North America and South America. It borders Costa Rica to the northwest, Colombia to the southeast, the Atlantic Ocean to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. The population of Panama is approximately 2.4 million. Panama’s economy is based on tourism, financial services, insurance, medical services, the Colon free zone, the operations of the Panama Canal and boat registrations.

Panama Panama is one of the most respected offshore jurisdictions due to its high level of confidentiality, its stability and its quick registration of offshore companies. To incorporate a company in Panama there is no need to have any Panamanian national as a member of the board or as a shareholder. We can incorporate the company using our nominee directors or those provided by you. The incorporation process should take about 72 hours from the moment of placing the order.

Main advantages of Panama company registration:

  • Excellent corporation law
  • Panama offers a high level of confidentiality
  • Fast incorporation time of 72 hours
  • Can be managed from anywhere in the world
  • No taxes levied on income received outside Panama
  • No exchange control regulations
  • Political and economic stability
  • Excellent worldwide communication facilities
  • Skilled local personnel if needed
  • No capital gains, income or other kinds of taxes

Some examples of how to use a Panama company:

  • Asset security – a Panama company has the ability to transfer domicile; protect assets from expropriation or confiscation orders.
  • Confidentiality and anonymity. The access to the company information filed is not open to the public and there are strict protocols governing its release.
  • Primary Vehicle for Operational Companies. BVI companies are often used as the primary vehicle under which a business is operated. This can be a factory, an import export business, an IT Consulting Firm, a product sales website. Such businesses although incorporated in Panama typically operate in the country or countries adjacent to where the owner is based.
  • Holding Company for Investments. A Panama company can be used to hold an investment(s) for the benefit of an individual or company. The form of investment can be a portfolio of stocks and bonds, a residential complex in Dubai, a commercial property in New York or an art collection of value.
  • Ship Registration. – Persons choosing to register ships in the Panama typically use a Panama company to own the ship. Please see our Panama boat registration section for details. See Panama Boat Registration
  • Businesses that specialize in E-commerce trading
  • For Forex or stock trading because of the confidential accounts created in the name of company
  • Private businesspersons looking to expand their business interests by exploring jurisdictions that have simple infrastructures
  • International businesses looking to expand their customer base with a foreign audience
  • Businesses that specialize in E-commerce trading
  • For Forex or stock trading because of the confidential accounts created in the name of company
  • Consultants or Counselors looking for a secure, global stronghold

Panama Incorporation - Directors, Shareholders and Secretary:

  • DIRECTOR: A minimum of three Directors is necessary. Corporations are allowed to be appointed as Directors. The directors are allowed to be any nationaility and be resident anywhere.
  • SECRETARY: A Secretary is necessary.
  • NOMINEE directors and shareholders are allowed for a Panama company.
  • SHAREHOLDER: A minimum of one Shareholder is necessary at the moment of incorporation. Corporations are also allowed to be appointed as Shareholders.
  • OFFICER can hold more than one position but the president and the secretary should not be the same person.
  • NAME OF THE COMPANY: Must end with one of the following suffixes: Corporation or Corp.; Incorporated or Inc.; Sociedad Anonima or S.A.

Panama Company Formation & Share Capital Explained

The standard share capital is USD 10,000.00 divided into 100 shares of USD 100.00 each. Shares can be issued with or without par value. Bearer shares are permitted but have strict regulations.

  • Nominative or bearer shares at owner’s option.
  • No paid-in capital is required.
  • No minimum or maximum capital requirements

Panama Company Taxes Explained

One of Panama’s main tax advantages is due to the fact that it has a territorial tax system. This means that there is no tax on any income which is earnt outside of Panama. This applies to both personal and business income.

Panama Companies are required to pay income tax when a company is trading within Panama or for any individuals employed in Panama. If a Panama Company is conducting business outside of Panama, it is exempt from all local taxes including income tax, capital gains tax, dividend tax and stamp duty on transfer of corporate taxes and other property.

What paperwork do we need to setup a Panama company?

We will need a color copy of the passport of the beneficiary, a utility bill or drivers license and a short explanation on what will be the usage for the company.

How much does it cost to setup a Panama Corporation?

The registration of an all inclusive and complete Panama company , under the name you choose or one of our list of available names, will have a cost of $1250 USD.

The above amount will include :

  • First year annual tax payable to the government is included
  • First year annual registered agent and Nominees, should you choose this option.
  • Articles of incorporation in Spanish and English with apostille
  • Good Standing Cert. /or Certificate of Incorporation in Spanish and English with aposille
  • Register of meeting and share
  • General and Broad Power of Attorney in Spanish and English with apostille
  • Resignation of the subscribers of the articles of incorporation (blank dated)
  • Resignation of the nominee board of directors (blank dated)
  • Nominee trust agreement and appointment of nominee shareholder ( if services is requested)

Panama Company Formations Panama (BVI) Company Formations

Annual Renewal of Panama Company Registration

When you setup a Panama corporation there is no requirement to file annual returns or financial statements; no requirement to hold annual general meetings of shareholders of directors.

  • Annual Franchise Tax - $300 USD
  • Annual Registered Agent – $250 USD
  • Nominee directors – $300 USD, so 3x $100 USD each as 3 directors are needed. (if this service has been chosen)

Optional Panama incorporation services we offer

  • Provision of Nominee Directors - $100 USD each per year (3 directors are needed)
  • Panama Boat registration – see details

Register your Panama company in 3 easy steps

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Company Details

Quickly fill in your company details and let us take care of the rest.


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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Everyone has questions forming a corporation or LLC. You are not the only one. Therefore we have put together this FAQ page to address the most important issues.

See below for the questions we hear the most, and read the answers you need to know. If you don’t see your question below, please call or email us.

Learn more FAQ

Are you ready to start your Panama company formation?

Our staff will take care of everything for you without hidden cost

Our Offices

Our offices are located in leading financial centres and you are free to choose any office to communicate with.
8 The Green
Suite #7121
Dover, DE 19901
Office 638,
10 Market Street, Camana Bay
Grand Cayman, KY1-9006
Cayman Islands
SAIF Zone,
PO Box 7751
Sharjah, U.A.E.

« Thank you for a fast incorporation, you did as promised and faster then we expected. »

Josh Timmerman

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Part of Ecommerce Group LTD.